"A beautiful boy with a huge heart and an endless supply of kisses...."
I think everyone has that very special once in a lifetime dog and mine was my Cal....
The moment Cal was born, I cupped this newborn puppy in my hands and whispered softly to him that someday, he would be my first champion, not only did he do that, he took me on a journey only dreams are made of! Most notably was at the tender age of eight months, when Cal won Reserve Winners Dog at the 1996 American Boxer Club National Specialty! What an exciting day That was!! He went on to garner his Championship effortlessly with Stan Flowers soon thereafter! I couldn't have been prouder of my wonderful love of a boy!
Cal always was a love, forever wanting to be in your lap and always had an everlasting supply of kisses to offer! He was a devoted and faithful friend and he rarely left my side. I couldn't have asked for more - he was the perfect Boxer and I was truly blessed to have shared my life with him!
In 2005 at 10 years of age, Cal was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. It broke my heart to watch my once healthy and robust boy lose so much strength, yet he never lost his zest for life and continued to give kisses and snuggle up with me on the sofa at night. Then, just before midnight on May 7, 2006, while I was out of town attending the American Boxer Club Nationals, Cal decided it was time to move on and he went to my husband's side for comfort and then peacefully and effortlessly his life left and he went to be with God.
It broke my heart to lose my Cal while I was away but part of me believes he planned it that way. Saving me from even more heartbreak. I only regret not knowing that when I left for that trip, he wouldn't be there when I came home or I would have showered him with extra hugs, kisses and a longer goodbye....
Goodbye my sweet, sweet boy, you will forever be in my heart and although my life without you will continue on, it will never be the same without you here. You were a very special boy and I will never truly get over missing your grey face looking up at me and the endless kisses you shared so generously. I was blessed to have had the gift of you in my life and your memories will always be held close and cherished near in my heart - I only wish I had been there to hold you when you left and to say good night one last time...